拥有超过40年工作经验的Ted Blamey已成为邮轮行业的先锋型人物,同时也是业界领袖。
Ted Blamey目前担任Sitmar Cruises International(洛杉矶和摩纳哥地区)的全球主要邮轮航线产品负责人,他在33岁时离开麦肯锡公司,加入Sitmar并担任澳大利亚(悉尼)地区总经理一职。
整个二十世纪八十年代,Sitmar在Ted Blamey的带领下,重新定义了邮轮业务在南太平洋地区和东南亚地区的地位,并在6年内帮助公司成为澳大利亚最知名的邮轮公司。该公司坚持在产品、旅游线路、分销、定价和市场营销领域不断创新,致力于稳固其在亚太邮轮行业的强者地位。由公司建立的各个岛屿目的地已成为各条亚太邮轮航线的核心旅游地。
Ted Blamey在晋升为Sitmar International总裁/首席执行官后,继续努力拓展公司业务,首先,他发起了大规模的邮轮产业兼并行动,通过直接出售Sitmar旗下公司,完成Sitmar与P&O/公主邮轮的合并交易。这也为全球邮轮产业接下来十年的发展奠定了基础。
Ted先生于二十世纪九十年代协助创办了Silversea Cruises。又于1997年创立CHART管理咨询有限公司,帮助各大公司和相关政府机构实现全球邮轮业务增长和机构扩张。近期,CHART为菲律宾、南太平洋及巴布亚新几内亚的旅游业提供了卓越的邮轮旅游业务发展策略,并评估了在中国港口开发新邮轮业务的市场机会/可操作性。CHART还率先撰写发布了2013年亚洲邮轮行业白皮书以及2014年、2016年、2017年和2018年的“CLIA(国际邮轮协会)亚洲邮轮行业发展趋势”。
2017年,Ted先生获得计进入CLIA Australasia(澳大利亚国际邮轮协会)名人堂的殊荣并成为Seatrade Academy的客座研究员。CHART是国际邮轮协会的执行合伙人,同时也是澳大利亚邮轮协会会员。Ted先生目前是中国邮轮发展委员会专家组成员,也是国际邮轮研究机构协会会员。
Mark Robinson was appointed Chief Commercial Officer, effective February 2018. Prior to joining the Company, he held a similar role at PortAventura World Parks & Resorts. He was instrumental in creating the commercial strategy implementation while leading all key corporate development initiatives for international growth. Prior to this, in 2003, he established Intercruises Shoreside & Port Services as a start-up within the TUI Travel & Hotelbeds Group. Over 13 years he created a successful global business , growing from a one-port operation into the world’s number one global shoreside & port services company with a turnover of over €350m euros & EBITDA of 14m euros. Prior to Intercruises he was Senior VP, On-board Revenues & Land Programmes at Festival Cruises in Athens, Greece. He also held early roles with First Choice and Thomson Holidays.
Mr. Robinson holds a degree in International Travel & Tourism from the University of Manchester, UK, he has attended various and management & leadership course at INSEAD Paris Fontainebleau and other reputable business schools.
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Pierfrancesco Vago is MSC Cruises’ Executive Chairman since 2013. Prior to that, as Chief Executive Officer, he oversaw the Company’s expansion, achieving an industry-unprecedented 800% growth from 2003 to 2013.
Mr Vago leads the MSC Cruises’ ongoing strategy and long-term vision from the Company’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He has spearheaded the launch of the Company’s unprecedented 10-plus year investment plan, supporting the next phase of MSC Cruises’ growth. The plan encompasses 13 new next-generation cruise ships coming into service between 2017 and 2026, reflecting a capital investment of €11.6 billion. This will result in MSC Cruises’ passenger capacity tripling in just ten years.
Mr Vago also oversees all of the MSC Group’s subsidiaries with strategic relevance to the tourism sector.
Having studied Economics in the UK, at St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge, Mr Vago entered the MSC Group in 2000, piloting a joint venture between the Italian-based ferry company SNAV and the Hoverspeed Sea container Group. In 2001 he rose to the position of Line Manager for the USA, Mexico and Canada within the Group’s container shipping business, MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company.
In January 2014 Mr Vago became Chairman of CLIA Europe, the European branch of the cruise industry’s global association, a position that he held until December 2016. During this time Mr Vago led CLIA Europe to take an increasingly more central role in engaging with all the relevant European and national authorities and legislative bodies across Europ. As a member of CLIA’s Global Executive Committee, Mr Vago remains closely involved in the cruise association’s work and activities. He is also a member of the European Executive Committee and Board.
Today, MSC Cruises is the world’s largest privately-owned cruise company and the fourth largest overall. It is also the brand market leader in Europe, South America and South Africa, employing over 16,000 staff and with offices in 45 countries.
Mr Vago is married, with two children.